Community Auctions

Community Newsletter - June 2021

Community Auctions has already been able to raise over $450,000 for Local Nonprofits in 2021. Our Charity Events continue to contribute to community focused nonprofits & effectively raise funds for their crucial philanthropic work. 

shining bright 

Light is fundamental to all life and growth. As community leaders, being light is a fundamental trait for engaging, influencing, and equipping others for positive local change.

Here are four ways your light can make a difference.

  • Lightness of being.  Lighten the load of those around you by sharing the yoke with others in your community. 
  • Light of the world. Light spreads, from one candle to several candles, eventually to millions of candles. Hope, compassion, freedom, respect, collaboration, and so much more can spread like wildfire from one act of selflessness.
  • Light the path. You don’t need to have all the answers or to know the way. But if you can help everyone focus their light together, it will be a flashlight to help the community move forward.
  • Lighten the mood. People often lose perspective when they get too serious for too long. A smile or a little humor goes a long way in reminding us that life goes on and it’s worth pursuing together.

Our deepest thanks go out to all those who continue to support charitable giving through their commitment to being the guiding light in their communities. 

~ The Community Auctions Family 
