Community Auctions

june newsletter

With June’s arrival, we dive full force into summer.  Glorious long days in the sun, followed by cool nights surrounded by the scents of honeysuckle and jasmine, lazy afternoons with friends and family, moments just celebrating life. Here at Community Auctions, we celebrate the halfway mark in the year with great hopes that the second half will be even more productive.  Thus far we have raised almost $350,000 for charities this year.

“We know only too well that what we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. But if the drop were not there, the ocean would be missing something.”

Mother Teresa

We reflect on the above quotation from Mother Teresa and hope that each of the local charities we partner with feel the positive benefit of the drops we bring them. June is a month to celebrate the warmth of the sun, the beauty of nature, and the rainbows brought to us by the summer rains.  What a month of hope and optimism!

At Community Auctions, we revere the dedication of our local community partners, our charity partners, and all of our patrons.  We celebrate June’s warmth, gentle rains, and abundant rainbows. We reach out to you to join us in that celebration and delight in the gifts of summer.

–The Community Auctions Family 

