Community Auctions

january newsletter

We love fresh starts here at Community Auctions, and January brings us that New Year, New Beginnings and New Inspiration.  We resolve to continue in our mission to help raise funds for charity organizations around the country.  We resolve to help local charities connect with their communities in a meaningful manner.  We resolve to continue to live in the spirit of gratitude for our ability to help those in need.

january newsletter

We also realize that January is not a sprint, but the start of a year-long marathon to strive each day to bring our organization one step closer to our goals.  It’s so tempting in January to sprint into the snow and run ahead at full speed.  But we realize that the calm measured pace of a marathon is much more appropriate.  So we will continue with each day being a fresh start and will move slow and steadily to win the “race”.

In 2022 we were able to raise just under $1,000.000, and of course, strive to surpass that this year.  We will get there with daily steady strides and daily gratitude for our ability to give.   Have a joyous month as we bolt into 2023.   Wishing you all the best!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

–The Community Auctions Family.
