Community Auctions

special olympics

Community Auctions partners with Special Olympics organizations in 16 states across the country. Charity donations generated by patrons like you at our Event Tables provide life changing opportunities for the special olympians they serve. We wanted to share a personal story of those donation dollars' impact in action below. Community Auctions extends our gratitude to all those who support missions like these across the country through their patronage. 


Rudolpha Richards, pictured, has been participating with SOGA Gwinnett Special Forces for over 30 years. She competes year-round in basketball, bocce, and track & field, but her favorite sport is bocce ball. Rudolpha has won over 28 gold medals and 24 silver medals. She has attended 3 world games in 1995, 1999, and 2003. Her favorite world games were in 1999 as she got to travel and compete in Ireland. Rudolpha's favorite part about being a Special Olympics Georgia athlete is traveling the world and meeting athletes from so many different places. Athletes like Rudolpha get to compete for decades and make friendships because of kind donors like you.

A word from Rudolpha -

" Thank you for your friendship to Special Olympics Georgia. Because of your generosity, I am able to train and compete year-round in basketball, track and field, and bocce. My involvement with Special Olympics Georgia gives me the confidence to be a global messenger and make speeches about Special Olympics. Thank you for giving me and all the other Special Olympics Georgia athletes the opportunity to focus on our abilities and succeed!

Your friend,

