April is again upon us bringing rain and the hope of blossoms. Here at Community Auctions, we love that analogy for what we hope our charity partners bring into the lives of recipients in their local communities. We know that so many in our country struggle with “rain” in their lives—illness, homelessness, lack of food, and lack of community support. We applaud our charity partners who work tirelessly to reach out to those in need and provide a little strength to help them stretch up to the sun and regain mastery of their lives.

So far this year, Community Auctions has been able to raise over $215,000 to support various charities around the country. We are especially grateful for two new partnerships this month–both of which honor and support our armed services. We have so much appreciation for our currently active service members and all of our veterans. In other parts of this newsletter, we feature two organizations that are specifically tailored to meet some of their unique needs. We are honored to provide a little “water” to help these organizations blossom.
April is a time of growth and delight in nature. We hope that each of you takes a little time to appreciate the wonders of the changing landscape with your loved ones. We appreciate your patronage and all you do to help us support our local charity partners around the country.
—-The Community Auctions Family