Community Auctions

happy new year


Have a Magical New Year!   

Thanks to our generous patrons, Community Auctions has been able to raise over $1,000,000 for our charity partners.  Our Charity Events continue to contribute to community-focused nonprofits & effectively raise funds for their crucial philanthropic work.   

This magical season is a time for us all to reflect on our many joys and blessings.  We are constantly amazed at the way everyone comes together to support us in our cause.  We could not do it alone. Our incredible community business partners frequently go above and beyond to find us space for our local benefit displays. Our non-profit partners and their volunteers keep the community engagement strong, by visiting each participating business weekly to check on the local benefit and ensure each event is going smoothly.

All of this comes together to bring the magical joy of generosity to the charity recipients….... homes for the homeless, food for the hungry, medical care for sick children, a place to stay for families during their treatment, wishes granted to gravely ill children, accomplishments for special needs athletes.  Bit by bit we make a better world.  The magic of caring is contagious! Thank you for joining us!

~ The Community Auctions Family  

