Community Auctions

featured partner johns hopkins

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“If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” – Steve Jobs 

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Community Auctions is proud to recognize Johns Hopkins Children’s Center in Baltimore, MD as our Featured Partner for October. As the pediatric hospital at Johns Hopkins, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center brings the collaborative multidisciplinary might and expertise of this amazing institution to bear in treating every child that crosses its threshold.  Since partnering with Community Auctions, we have raised over $10.000 in support of Johns Hopkins Children’s Center and anticipate increasing that number.

Founded in 1912 as the children’s hospital at Johns Hopkins, the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center has grown to be one of the most comprehensive pediatric centers in the country.  Each year they care for 92,000 children in pediatric visits and nearly 9000 pediatric hospital admissions.  Johns Hopkins Children’s Center has recognized Centers of Excellence in dozens of pediatric subspecialties, including allergy, cardiology, cystic fibrosis, gastroenterology, nephrology, neurology, neurosurgery, oncology, pulmonary, and transplants.  As the birthplace of academic pediatrics in the United States, Johns Hopkins physician-scientists have unraveled the mechanisms of many childhood diseases.  Today they are on a mission to make all medicine pediatric by identifying and uprooting the seeds of adult diseases in childhood.  Much of this current research focuses on genetics. 


John Hopkins Children’s Center is amazing not only in its groundbreaking science but also in the fact that they never lose sight of the importance of their young patients enjoying childhood.  Johns Hopkins recognizes that play is an essential part of childhood and essential in its own right.  There are many designated play areas in Johns Hopkins Children’s Center so that parents and children can enjoy moments of normalcy.  Johns Hopkins Children’s Center realizes that their young patients are children first, patients second. 

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At Community Auctions, we are delighted to be even a small part of the success at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center. As Malala Yousafzai said, “ Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.”   John’s Hopkins Children’s Center is making the dream of healthy children a reality.

—The Community Auctions Family
